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Orlando Injury Attorney Sid Roman Awards Scholarship to Boone High School Students

May 2, 2019, Orlando, Florida - The Law Offices of Sidney A. Roman, P.A. is proud to announce the winners of its 2019 American Dream scholarship, the goal of which is to provide Orlando area English As a Second Language (ESOL) High School students the technology necessary to succeed in college. 


Boone High School Seniors Dayanna Garcia Moreno, Isabella Fernandez Gomez and Kevin Rivera Rosario, pictured with Orlando Injury Attorney Sid Roman, were each awarded a state of the art, Lenovo Touchscreen Laptop valued at $800 during the Boone High School Senior Awards Ceremony held on May 1, 2019.


Sid Roman Law American Dream Scholarship Winners 2019

These deserving students met the scholarship's eligibility requirements and were selected based on their academic achievement, personal essay, and financial need (not a determinative factor).
 During their last semester at Boone, all three were Dual Enrolled at Valencia College. Isabella and Kevin plan to continue to study at Valencia, while Dayanna will be attending Seminole Sate College. 


All three students have a few things in common: they are children of immigrants who have recently come to this country looking for a better life and education for their children (parents who sometimes juggle two and three jobs to make ends meet). They struggle every day to learn and master English as their second language. In spite of these and many other challenges they face as immigrants, they achieved what we consider a more than respectable and admirable GPA in High School. Last but not least, all three held (and hold) part-time jobs during high school to contribute to the support of their families. 


Our warmest congratulations to Dayanna, Isabela, Kevin and their families, along with our very best wishes for continued success as they embark on their college careers. We are proud of you and look forward to contributing to your future success!


Sid Roman Law American Dream Scholarship Winners 2019

2019 Scholarship Winners Boone High School Seniors Dayanna Garcia Moreno, Isabella Fernandez Gomez and Kevin Rivera Rosario.

Main Office Orlando:  1115 E. Livingston St., Orlando, FL 32803   Tel: 407-251-1200   Fax: 407-251-0032     

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