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Health Care Surrogate Directive (Healthcare Power of Attorney)

Health Care Surrogate Directive (Healthcare Power of Attorney)


*Price includes 3.5% credit card processing fee.

A Health Care Surrogate Directive is a legal document naming another person as your representative to make medical decisions for you if you are unable to make them yourself.  You can also designate an alternate surrogate.


Advance Directives are a class of legal documents intended to designate someone to take care of financial and/or medical decisions while a person is alive, but unable to make decisions due to mental or physical incapacitation. 

In order to execute an Advance Directive, the person signing and executing it must be within their full mental capacity and fully cognizant of what they are signing (and why). If mental capacity is lost, for example due to Alzheimer's or Dementia, these documents can no longer be prepared and put in place.

Main Office Orlando:  1115 E. Livingston St., Orlando, FL 32803   Tel: 407-251-1200   Fax: 407-251-0032     

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